Professional Development
Our professional development sessions consist of evidence-based strategies that are curriculum neutral or tailored to focus on intervention programs that teachers are currently utilizing. Trainings are practical, engaging, and tailored to state and school standards. Staff will be able to leave with strategies and instruction to improve student achievement. Some topics consist of:
- Effective Behavior Interventions for Students
- Instructional Strategies to Impact Improvement
- Creating a Classroom of High Expectations
- Girls and Boys Learn Differently: Strategies for both!
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Teaching and Learning Strategies for Differentiated Instruction
- Discipline and Students with Disabilities
- Response to Intervention
- Engaging Families
- Co-Teaching
- Inclusion Strategies
- Section 504
- Child Find
- How to effectively implement accommodations and modifications within the classroom
- Writing compliant and effective IEP’s
Contact Us for Professional Development